That was the proclamation of the angels who announced the birth of Jesus.
Curious isn’t it? Where is this “peace on earth?”
I personally can’t remember a time when there seemed to be less peace than now. I lived through the unrest of the sixties and seventies but this feels different. Our country feels like it’s broken at its core and many have little hope that we will return to any semblance of our nation’s original motto, “E pluribus unum” – “Out of many, one.” We seem to live in a terribly volatile time.
So, where do we go from here? ​​

In the Bible, peace and forgiveness are inextricably connected. Jesus came to forgive us so we could find peace with God. It’s the old bumper sticker, “No God, no peace – Know God, know peace.”
That’s where it all begins. True peace requires knowing the Prince of Peace, Jesus; and that requires asking His forgiveness for our sins and acknowledging that He gave His life to forgive us and restore us to relationship with the Father. Once we’ve found peace with God, that same peace is to flow out to others.
“Blessed are the peacemakers
for they shall be called the sons of God.”
(Matthew 5:9)

At the core of love is the ability and willingness to forgive. Nothing obstructs the love of God like unforgiveness.
It is essentially impossible to love those we refuse to forgive. This can be a huge challenge for us as Jesus explained, “But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.” (Matthew 6:15)
I pray 2025 will be the year that we live more deeply into the reality of Jesus’s forgiveness. That it would transform us to the extent that we can offer that same peace to those with whom we disagree. That’s what we’re called to; The peace that enables us to walk out the deep command of Christ to “love your enemies.” Enemies, not enemy. All of them. That is the command, “Bearing with one another and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave, you so also should you.” (Colossians 3:13)​​

True forgiveness – receiving it or offering it – is only possible through the Prince of Peace. It’s time for us to think deeply about our relationship with Jesus. Is He the convenient “get out of hell free” card or is He the central expression of our lives?
​Christ is central or Christ is nothing. Indifference, or being lukewarm about our faith, is one thing that Jesus refuses to tolerate.

From an earthly perspective, you could say that Baby Jesus got off to kind of a rough start. "...she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.” (Luke 2:7)
​Wow – no room for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords? Accommodations were second rate at best – Let’s face it, no one books “the stable.” It was a choice born of desperation. But the innkeeper made room for Jesus.

Jesus didn’t come to legislate peace on earth – He came to offer it. To those who would hear Him. To those who would choose to open their heart to Him and follow Him –
not just as Savior, but as Lord.
​The peace Jesus offers comes at a price. At times, it will cost us our comfort, our own desires, and our pride, among other things. But, at the end of the day, do we want what we want or do we want what Jesus wants?

As we close out 2024 and look toward 2025 my question is, Is there room in your “inn” for Jesus? Is your heart open to Him for that peace we can’t find anywhere else?
I pray that the Prince of Peace will reign in your heart and home this coming year and may we all find a greater Peace on Earth in 2025!

2024 Has been a great year for the ministry of Priority One in the Delaware Valley.
It is awesome to be able to share some highlights!
In November, we hosted a Wild At Heart Basic weekend, which 40 men attended, and God moved in amazing ways! This is always a profound weekend for us as we watch men wrestle with the deep issues of the heart. We have put on approximately 14 of these weekends, and what never ceases to amaze me is the deep work that God does in both the men and the leaders. Our next weekend is March 20, 2025. If you have never attended this weekend, I highly recommend it!
The wife of a recent attendee commented, “What did they do to my husband?”
She went on to explain that they had been having a challenging time and her husband came home a changed man! She was thrilled!
The Friday Fire is an event we have been doing for nearly 5 years. We had a slow start for several years but last year everything changed. We teamed up with the Men’s Ministry at Calvary Chapel, Delco and our numbers since, have been a solid 65 – 100 men!
Once a month, on the 2nd Friday, we grill, have an awesome fire and someone there to share a part of their personal story. John Eldredge has said that, “Story is the language of the heart.”
The testimonies bring a relatable moment to the men that help them understand how our God desires to connect with them.
Freedom House continues to be the focal point of our ministry and continues to grow. We currently have 9 different groups meeting at the house. There are a variety of types of groups such as Bible Studies, discipleship groups as well as recovery groups for those struggling with sexual addiction. Tom also counsels individuals (men) and marriages throughout the day at the house.
These are just a few of the highlights of the ministry that can only exist and operate through the faithful participation of our donors and those who pray for us regularly.
I want to personally invite you to become a regular partner with the ministry of Priority One in the Delaware Valley in 2025. Your ongoing support is what allows us to continue to reach out to men who are hurting, stuck in life, or needing the critical fellowship of other men.
In 2025, with your help, we want to increase our outreach through the addition of new groups and initiatives. Would you prayerfully consider supporting us with a monthly gift of $50, $100 or more? You may also support through the giving of a one-time gift of any amount.
On behalf of countless men whose lives are being changed, deeply and sincerely, thank you.